Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Dear Sister: My 80 Papers (1a: The First Snail-Mail Introduction Letter About Theology, Edited a Bit)

This is the second page I wrote to you:

I know I need to explain my point-of-view a bit. My bag is theology, not religion. Not a lot of people subscribe to my perspective and conclusions. I have thousands of pages on my blog that pretty much all say the same thing: God is real; the world is mental. We create the worlds we live in by what we think, by what we assume to be real. That is how God creates the world, except we create worlds without God.  We master our own lives, direct everything by and for ourselves. This is self-lordship, and THAT is the sin that separates us from God. It's the "I'll do it myself," in our lives that has to go.

Heaven isn't about us. Heaven is HIM. We either get patched in, or not. I do not want to proselytize you into a church; I want to proselytize you into THE Church, the Body of Christ, into a living relationship with God through Christ. They are real stuff. Think of "God" as a field of divine consciousness, and Jesus as qualities of that field.

I am just testifying to things I KNOW are true, whether we like them or not, because of the EVIDENCE I have EXPERIENCED. I am telling you stories of things that have HAPPENED to me. It is because they have really happened that I believe what I believe is real.

There is a fad right now of "Christians" posting videos about their deconverting and deconstructing from Christianity. They all say, "It turns out that there is no evidence of there ever having been a real Jesus Christ." I'm like, "Whaatt? Who cares about evidence of a Jesus who lived two thousand years ago? The Jews would have destroyed every trace of Him having been. If He was real then, His evidence of still being real is NOW. I only care about the Jesus who gives us evidence of His being Lord RIGHT NOW." And He gives me ample evidence to confirm that He is Lord in the PRESENT. That is the last verse in the Gospel of Mark: they "went preaching everywhere, God CONFIRMING THEIR WORDS". . . then and there. God's present actions IN MY  LIFE are why I believe. Because of them I can say, "I KNOW Him in whom I have believed."

This is the first page I wrote to you:

The New Testament era was lived in the ancient Aramaic language. We've got the Greek translation of that living in our Bibles. I have discovered there are English translations of the Aramaic version of the Bible written by native Aramaic speakers who have learned the ancient forms of their language. The differences are as radical as you might expect. Like the difference between logos in the Greek, and milta (miltha) in the Aramaic.

Logos, as you know, means 'word', 'thought', or 'idea'--something to do with consciousness and communication. There are Hebrew wors which mean much the same.

The Milta, used by John in 1:1 in the Aramaic), is the Manifestation of the Ineffable, the non-existent-but-in-existence. The Milta is not different from the Ineffable, except for that. The Milta is not distant from the Ineffable, is not "other," is not a subset. The Milta is from and of the Ineffable; and yet It isn't, yet.

Here is what the Bible is about: the Milta, which is God, is becoming. In this there are two Miltas. One is the complete and full, absolute Manifestation of the Ineffanble the Ineffable has ASSUMED, i.e., has imagined to exist. This Milta is the mental picture the Ineffable has of Itself in perfect and complete form, which It will become. The Ineffable, though, thoroughly believes--assumes--the Milta to exist right now as a done deal. The No-thing believes It IS Thing-ed. In our reality, the Thing the Ineffable believes It is is working on Its becoming reality. These are all qualities of the field of consciousness "God" is--all part of the Ineffable Being.

The Milta was and is the beginning of all things. Some Jewish sages do not read Genesis 1:1 as "In the beginning," but as, "AS the Beginning, the Milta creates (note present tense) the heavens and the earth." Here's the thing: the idea of the Milta is also 'word', but includes all action unto its becoming concrete reality. Milta INCLUDES THE END. The Ineffable has assumed Its own manifestation . . .to the completion of that manifestation. I guess you could say, "It's Miltaed." Have this in mind when you read John chapter 1. In John 1:18, the Milta declares/reveals God. THAT is what this is all about.

The Ineffable and Its Milta has values, character that have developed over time. A long time. To become the end Milta, the becoming Milta has to inculcate, develop, and cultivate those same values and character in us. So here we are, in school as  it were. We are in the process of becoming what the Ineffable has assumed to already exist: THIS one is becoming THAT one. The assumed Milta is perfect; this one, not so much. We, born in ignorance (I often point out in my blog that we have been ignoranced, our consciousness of what we actually are removed), vary from being like the God. What He says to us we doubt, disbelieve. We think, "God didn't really mean what He said." After all, we like what we like, and want to do what we want to do, forgetting that we are His, and for Him. Me thinks this is "the tree which gives knowledge of good and of evil." Ignorance causes doubt and disbelief, disbelief causes unlikeness, unlikeness causes separation. Our sin, unbelief, separates us from God. We create for ourselves worlds without God.

God is a faith being. Remember assumption? Faith makes us like Him. Believing God really means what He says saves us. "Your faith has saved you." Asking Jesus to forgive us is expressing recognition of Him, honor and humility, submission to right relationship, and faith--the assumption that He both can and will forgive us. Now, it was His becoming and our being ignoranced which have caused our variance, our sin, which fault God says He took upon Himself on the cross, paying the price for our forgiveness and redeeming us. . . He says completely. This put us, as far as He is concerned, up in the end Milta, as though we had never been separated from Him or in error in any way; not just being "at" the right hand of God, but being the right hand of God itself. That is another Aramaic-ism I learned: according to their perspective, Jesus didn't sit down at the right hand of God, but AS the right hand of God. In other words, all good things come from Him. He is the essential connotation, the character of that field of the Ineffable's Consciousness which is "God."

That is about all that I wrote in my mailed letter to you. I will only note further that the Consciousness (and the Milta which is It manifest) manifests as people. It localizes and appears functionally as a Person and as myriads of people. When in Deuteronomy 6:4 it says that God is One, I believe that the message to Israel is that we--God's Prevailing (hopefully)--are included in that One!


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Dear Sister: My 80 Papers (9) The Story Is Enough

Regarding the Bible, I have got 49 years of studying theology, and 49 years of reflecting on apparent "reality" and the Bible. Of ...